Monday, January 19, 2009

I am not a fascist

Well today is officially MLK day. I hope everyone enjoys a well deserved day off. I know I have been busy recovering from the holiday season, and I'm sure you were to. But I don't know if I can enjoy today, because as of late it seems NA has been getting some threats of violence and for people to take action and get pictures of us. Why? I am not right wing, I dislike both parties and our current government. I can't stand big government. I want people to live where they want, to do what they want. I completely disagree with National Socialism and any Fascism in general. Capitalism,war,violence,oppression, no freedom to do what you want, our say what you feel. Whats weird is after the first two things I listed off, the rest is being forced on me, by people who are so against "Fascists". Every protest I go to I whole-heartedly believe in, so why can't I protest? Because I reject multiculturalism? I don't advocate violence, never have, never will. I protest because people need to be free, not just my people, all people. So whatever you think you might know stop and learn more about us and re-think. If we constantly fight each other then the real enemy wins. You going against us is exactly what the government wants. We share a majority of the same views, so why all the aggression and blind rage? To all of you have a good day. O and this is the last time addressing any of this so for future "fascist" name calling refer here.

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