Well it is summer, and we are determined to get kids off the TV and video games and into the outside world. A great way to do this is to play a really fun game me and my mates made up about five years ago. All ages can play and it can be played almost anywhere, in my opinion the more urban the better such as a Target or a Hotel. OK so here are the rules, basically you need at least five people, one person is chosen to become the zombie after that person is decided they count for about 30 seconds without moving or looking in a determined spot. Afterward they are free to run around the set boundaries in search of humans. If they chase a human down and tag the person they now become a zombie also, these two then work together to chase down the remaining humans until everyone is a zombie working together to chase down the last human. Once that human is finally tagged they become the zombie for the next round. Also if you choose to hide you can only hide for two minutes and then you have to get going. It fun and fast and keeps you very active! The adrenaline rush you will receive is well worth it. So get out there and have some fun!